Mel’s Monday Musings: January 24, 2022

How is it Monday again already??

Life is good, y’all, and I hope you can say the same. 🙂 I’m neck-deep in art and antique sewing machines, and that’s the way I like it! Now I just need to sell some paintings so I can afford to keep up my sewing machine rescue habit!

If you use Instagram, I’d love it if you popped over to this post if you have a moment! Good things are on the horizon. 😀

Now…more poetry, because it seems like most of the words I have are spent that way lately.

recall the vision with earnest eyes closed against the night,
rowdy tandem pulses swiftly melting thought.

hold me in this most intimate madness,
our raw brilliant lust: sharp, holy, tetherless
save to this moment,
and i reach for you with heat pooling in my veins.
be hostile to the clamor beyond the space of us
and open to the slow worship
of vibrant flesh in unruly need;
with love’s shameless siren call
we speak the ardent language of the wild sea.

-MRE, 01.22

Have a good week!