

From the beginning, you say? I was raised in an evangelical Christian household or two (long story), and was groomed to go to college, earn multiple degrees, and then succeed beyond everyone’s wildest imaginings as a professor and author and whatever else.

I did attend college, where I finished losing my religion, became Pagan, picked up one solitary liberal arts degree, and graduated seven months pregnant. I guess you could say that taking the easy road is not my forte…

…but taking the most colorful (and usually the happiest) road is. I have three amazing children, a menagerie, an impossible last name, and I run an art portfolio website, a public Facebook page and an Etsy shop with my alcohol ink artwork and whatever else I get up to. Makers gonna make and all.

I am the artist whose painting appears on the album cover of Fireside Sessions by Snow Patrol & the Saturday Songwriters. All proceeds from the album go to charity; you can order your copy of the CD here, or download the digital release in all the usual places.

(Oh, and the author thing? If you skip the “successful” part, I’ve done that too. Even had a small book signing in February 2018. 🙂 My third poetry collection, Prometheanne: Dead Fires and Lifeblood, is out on Amazon now!)

Life is far too beautiful to tame. It’s an unbridled mare with places to go, so grab a fistful of mane and hang on (wild giggles in the wind totally optional, but highly recommended).

[Other Stuff: I’m an OBOD Druid, a solo Brighidine flamekeeper, and a cross-pantheon polytheist. I also sing (whatever random song floats through my head), study Esperanto and Norwegian, passionately advocate for blood donation (and donate, when I’m not anemic), serve on the North Country Arts Council’s Board of Directors, and am an officer in my local Lions Club.]

Last updated: January 31, 2022.